Newsletter Tax Planning

Monthly Newsletter Some helpful insight - A monthly newsletter form Robert Reinert Consulting Tax Planning Why is tax planning in August important? Time and Timing: Time: You have five months to organize and plan what you are going to need to do to save taxes and avoid p enalties when you establish your tax strategies in August. Timing: August is not that far from the last year's filing deadline. This makes it a bit easier to recall what you did last year, some of the things you may need to improve on to gain additional deductions, or things you can avoid doing to eliminate penalties this year. Also, if you have a b usiness, seven months of activity have past and those results provide a good picture of what the year may look like in terms of revenue and expenses. Tax planning is as important as tax filing! Tax filings are the final result of what you did in terms of taxable revenue and deductible expenses. Simply sorting out what you d...