Newsletter Budgeting

Monthly Newsletter Some helpful insight - A monthly newsletter form Robert Reinert Consulting Budgeting Budgeting can be the means to survival and success: What happens when there is a water leak and you don't stop it? We all know the reservoir containing the water runs dry. It is the same picture with money as with water. Budgeting is the means to stopping money leaks. It paints the picture of historical and future inflows and outflows of cash. If you budget you survive. Midyear is a great time for budgeting. Success Budgeting: If you want to succeed with your personal financial goals or your business you must know your budget. Putting together that budget is best performed by experts like Robert Reinert Consulting CPA. We have the experience of budgeting for individuals and businesses. Key features to budgeting! A detailed line description of each real source of cash income and outflow is presented in a row format with...